7 Best mantras for meditation

We have curated the best mantras for meditation, so that it becomes the most immersive experience regularly.

Jul 1, 2024
Have you been meditating for a while? And wondered if it could be more immersive.
There are several ways you can go about this, each one with its own strengths and benefits.
But Vedic or Sanskrit mantras have a fundamental association with the practice of meditation, which makes mantra meditation the best option.
Meditation mantras are Sanskrit chants that have been used in Hinduism and Buddhism for spiritual and meditative purposes.
These ancient sounds are said to put the practitioner in a deeper meditative state while providing further benefits to their practice.
In this blog post, we will explore the seven best mantras for meditation. We will discuss their origins and meanings, as well as how they can be used to enhance your meditation experience.

7 best mantras for meditation

Sanskrit is a treasure trove of meditation mantras, and there is no single chant that can be considered superior.
These ancient sounds are powerful tools that bring great benefits to those using them. These mantras depend on the vibrations of the sound and the meaning of the mantra themselves.
But if we had to pick the best mantra for meditation, it would be the 'Om' mantra, both for its simplicity and power. Om is considered to be the sound of creation itself.
Chanting or listening to this peace mantra can bring you peace of mind and a sense of tranquility.
This is what you'd like to do. Before you sit down to meditate, start each session by chanting the word 'Om' for around 5 minutes. Let the sound reverberate in your body and mind.
If you'd rather not chant the sound, you can play the mantra in the background as you do your deep breathing.
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You can find this ancient mantra included in the Ancient Chants from India - Volume 2 album. This album is part of the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition mantra bundle.
There are other chants that are just as beneficial to meditation. Below, we list 7 of the most prominent:
  1. Om mantra
  1. Om Namah Shivaya
  1. Om Mani Padme Hum
  1. Sat Chit Ananda mantra
  1. Om Shanti mantra
  1. Hare Krishna Hare Rama
  1. Gayatri mantra

What are mantras?

The word 'mantra' is derived from two Sanskrit words - 'man' meaning 'mind' and 'tra' meaning 'to liberate'. By this definition, mantras are a vehicle to help the mind transcend its limitations.
These chants allow you to access higher wisdom, not accessible to those caught up in the daily rut. They bring with them a spiritual connection every human being seeks.
Mantras are also found in other faith traditions, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Sanskrit mantras are found among the most ancient texts, some carrying a story within while others pay homage to a specific deity.
You access the benefits these mantras can offer by setting an intention. An intention that falls in line with the meaning of the mantra itself. This way you unlock the power of the chant.

Meditation mantras and their benefits

We go through each one of the mantras we recommended earlier, and talk a little about their origins, meaning, and benefits meditating to them offer.

1) Om mantra

Om is considered to be the sound of creation itself, in Hindu mythology. According to the Vedas, it is the first sound.
As a mantra, it is the easiest to chant. Phonetically, it sounds like 'Aauuuumm'. It has a drawn-out middle part and a final part.
It brings great inner peace to a restless mind. It reduces the anxiety you carry around when you meditate on it.
Om is also mentioned often in texts that cover Buddhist meditation.

2) Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya is a favorite mantra among our listeners. It is a mantra of reverence and adoration for Lord Shiva – one of the most powerful deities in the Hindu pantheon.
The mantra roughly translates to “I bow to Shiva” or “I honor Shiva”. It is believed to bring inner peace and help its practitioner to connect with the divine.
Meditating to this mantra will help you disassociate from the daily grind and the many anxieties that come with it.
When chanting this mantra, you can focus on the feeling of reverence and devotion to Lord Shiva. This can help bring a sense of calmness and peace to your meditation practice.
Here's how you can experience this power for yourself. When you wake up every morning, clear your mind and sit down on the floor next to the bed.
Let your breath fall to a slow pace naturally. Once the breathing is consistent, play the Om Namah Shivaya mantra at a low volume or on your earphones.
Keep breathing slowly, and let the sounds wash over you. You will find positive energy surging through your body, thanks to this Shiva mantra.
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The Om Namah Shivaya mantra is part of the Ancient Healing Chants of Shiva album. This mantra album is part of the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition bundle.

3) Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Mani Padme Hum is a beautiful Buddhist mantra, which means “The Jewel in the Lotus” or “The Jewel of Enlightenment”. It is believed to help its practitioner achieve enlightenment by dissolving all negative thoughts and emotions.
When chanting this mantra, you can focus on opening yourself up to the wisdom that enlightenment provides. It can help you develop a sense of clarity and understanding about your life’s purpose.
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4) Sat Chit Ananda

Sat Chit Ananda is a mantra from Advaita Vedanta, and it translates to “Truth Consciousness Bliss”. It is believed to be a powerful mantra for spiritual growth, as it helps its practitioner become aware of the ultimate truth – that we are all part of an interconnected whole.
When chanting this mantra, you can focus on becoming aware of the unity between all beings and things in the universe. This can help bring a sense of joy and contentment to your meditation practice.

5) Shanti mantra

The Shanti Mantra is a popular mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism, which roughly translates to “Peace Within” or “Peace Be Unto You”. It is believed to bring inner peace by dissolving all negative thoughts and emotions.
When chanting this mantra, you can focus on allowing yourself to be at peace with yourself and with others. This can help bring tranquility and stillness to your meditation practice.

6) Hare Krishna Mahamantra

The Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is a popular mantra in Hinduism, which roughly translates to “Oh Lord Krishna!” or “Chant Krishna’s Name!”. It is believed to be an effective way of connecting with God by chanting his name repeatedly.
When chanting this mantra, you can focus on connecting with God through his name. This can help bring a sense of love and devotion to your meditation practice.
When meditating on this chant, you can visualize the divine connection as a boundless light at the corner of your mind that you need to move towards.
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7) Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra is a popular mantra in Hinduism and is commonly used in rituals to raise awareness.
“Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tatsavitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo yo nah Prachodayat”
This roughly translates to “We meditate upon the divine light that illumines our minds”. It is believed to be an effective way of invoking the divine power within us by chanting this mantra repeatedly.
When chanting this mantra, you can focus on invoking the divine light within yourself through its repetition. This can help bring spiritual strength and higher awareness to your meditation practice.
You can try a routine for experiencing the Gayatri mantra. In the evening, around sunset, find a secluded spot to meditate.
Meditate calmly till your breathing is slow and deep. Then play the Gayatri mantra on headphones, as you listen along. Pay attention to each syllable of the mantra as you continue meditating.
Soon, you will be in deep meditation, oblivious to the sounds and happenings around you. Maintain this state for as long as you desire.
After the session, jot down how you felt during the session and how you feel after concluding it. Doing this regularly will be a profoundly healing experience for you and you'll doubtlessly continue.
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The Gayatri mantra or Savitri mantra is a chant dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the patron deity of knowledge and learning. This mantra was released as part of the Ancient Gayatri Mantras for Healing & Meditation album.
The album contains 6 other mantras that are similar in structure to the Gayatri mantra. This album is part of the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition bundle.

What is meditation?

Meditation can be defined as a practice of focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
It is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help people relax and find inner peace. Mantras are one of the most powerful tools used in meditation to help focus the mind and bring about a sense of inner stillness.


Adding mantras to your meditation practice can help to deepen your experience, while also providing additional spiritual and physical benefits.
There are several forms of meditation that enhance your experience. Examples include mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, and loving-kindness meditation among many others.
But mantras have a fundamental connection to meditation, thereby making them best suited to meditation practice.
When choosing a mantra, it is important to select one that resonates with you, as this will create a more powerful experience. Additionally, it is important to take time to learn the mantra and understand its meaning, as this will enhance your meditation even further.
By exploring these seven mantras for meditation, you will gain an understanding of how they can be used to enhance your practice while also providing additional spiritual benefits. With regular practice and dedication, these mantras can help you deepen your meditation experience while also providing additional physical and mental health benefits.

How to use mantras for meditation
You can use mantras during meditation, either by listening to them in the background or chanting the mantra.
You can either memorize the mantras, by choosing shorter simpler mantra verses. Or you can have the mantra playing in the background and chant along.
All these methods work well to give you the benefits from these ancient powerful mantras.

Frequently asked questions on mantras for meditation

Where do mantras originate from?
Vedic mantras come from the religious texts of Hinduism for the most part. Many stories about deities have been narrated through mantras. Many mantras are an homage to deities and pay respect to their divine powers.
What are the benefits of listening to mantras?
The meaning of these ancient sounds has the power to reduce anxiety, remove stress, improve physical health, relax the body, and many more benefits.
Do mantras go well with meditation?
Mantras suit meditation, as these sounds regulate the listener’s energy levels. So a mantra like Om Shanti has the power to relax the listener. But a mantra like the Nirvana Shatakam helps the listener dissolve their ego.