# Sleep


The Best guided meditation for lucid dreaming

Jul 1, 2024

We lay out the best guided meditation for lucid dreaming and enhance your mental abilities.

Best guided sleep meditation for insomnia

Jul 1, 2024

We have created the best guided sleep meditation for insomnia and other sleep-related disorders.

Best guided meditation for sleep

Jul 1, 2024

We have come up with the best guided meditation for sleep, so that you feel refreshed every morning.

4 Best mantras for sleep

Jul 1, 2024

Vedic mantras are extremely relaxing and calming for your mind. We have curated the 4 best mantras for sleep.

The Best night mantra for sleep

Jul 1, 2024

If you struggle to fall asleep, meditate on the best night mantra for sleep for immediate results.

5 Evening prayer before sleep

Jul 1, 2024

It is a good practice to go to bed with all anxious thoughts put to rest. We look at the best evening prayer before sleep.

Calm Before Bed: How Breathwork Improves Sleep

Jul 1, 2024

When my head hits the pillow, my mind tends to race, keeping me up. I'm sure you can relate! Focusing on my breath for just 5 minutes makes all the difference.

The Best frequency for deep sleep

Apr 30, 2024

If you’re someone who struggles to fall asleep on time, you can use the best frequency for deep sleep to great effect.