8 Positive affirmations for health

Use the power of positive thought and the best positive affirmations for health for a fulfilling life.

Jul 1, 2024
Have you fallen ill constantly over a short period of time?
Does no amount of treatment or rest solve the issue permanently?
You will need to tap into the power of the mind before you find perfect health and abundant energy.
When you're constantly brought down by illness, your mind needs to be strong enough to help you through this challenging phase.
Negative emotions breed negative outcomes. So you correct this trajectory using the power of positive thinking.
Affirmations for the mind are a great way to bolster your mental strength and willpower. We explain how positive thoughts push our life toward more favorable outcomes.
We also list 8 positive affirmations for health that will serve you best in your quest for optimum health.

8 positive affirmations for health

Affirmations should be practiced on a daily basis for maximum effect.
Build a daily routine where you repeat these affirmations inwardly to yourself or loudly, like a chant. This is the only way you can internalize these thoughts.
  1. I choose to take care of my physical and mental health
  1. I am strong and capable of reaching my goals
  1. I am grateful for the healing power of my body
  1. I am filled with energy and vitality
  1. I am resilient and capable of overcoming any obstacle
  1. I am in control of my thoughts and feelings
  1. I am surrounded by love and support
  1. I am open to new possibilities and opportunities
These affirmations are designed to boost your self-confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, improve your overall mood, and encourage you to take care of your physical health.
By repeating these affirmations regularly, you will start to believe in them and create a more positive outlook on life. To enhance this new positive outlook, you may incorporate mantras and meditation.
Every morning, right after you wake up, you set aside 5-10 minutes to repeat your affirmations about health.
As you do this, play the Shri Krishna Ashtakam at a convenient volume. Either chant the affirmations in your mind or loudly as the mantra continues to play.
The Sri Krishna Ashtakam is a Krishna mantra that naturally promotes joy and positivity.
The mantra helps internalize thoughts of positive progress, making the affirmations more effective.
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The Shri Krishna Ashtakam is part of the Soulful Krishna Mantras album. This mantra album is part of a bundle called the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition.

The power of positive thinking

It is no secret that our mental and physical health can be heavily impacted by the words we choose to think and speak.
Positive affirmations are the conscious choice of words that we use to direct our thoughts in a positive direction and encourage ourselves to reach our goals and maintain our well-being.
As opposed to when we focus on negative thoughts, which can lead to feelings of doubt and insecurity.
By repeating these positive affirmations, we slowly reprogram our subconscious mind to believe in the power of these words, which in turn creates more positive results in our lives. This is because when we believe in something, we are more likely to take action toward it and make it happen.
Positive affirmations are a great way of creating positive thinking patterns, as they help us to focus on what we want rather than what we don't want. By repeating these affirmations regularly, we can start to believe in them and create a more positive outlook on life.
Positive affirmations have been proven to have a positive effect on mental health, as well as physical health. Studies have shown that they can reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-confidence, and improve overall mood.
They can also help to improve physical health by helping us to stay motivated and focused on healthy habits, such as exercise and nutrition.
But how do affirmations work? And what are their benefits?

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations are thoughts that we repeat to ourselves so that our mind internalizes them. So, if you internalize confidence-boosting thoughts you do not face challenges with self-doubt and fear.
Affirmations are statements that are designed to be repeated regularly in order to reprogram our subconscious minds and create a positive mindset.
The idea is that by repeating these statements, we will start to believe them and our subsequent behavior reflects this change. This can be done either silently or out loud, depending on the individual's preference.
The power of positive thinking is based on the belief that our thoughts can shape our reality, and that by focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract better outcomes in our lives.
Positive affirmations are an effective way to create positive thinking patterns, as they help us to focus on what we want rather than what we don't want.
Another way to create positive thinking patterns is meditating on mantras whose vibrations give off positive energy. One of these is the Siddhi Vinayaka Ganesha mantra.
This Ganesha chant should be played in the morning before you start your daily routine. The mantra helps you manifest your desires. This desire may be personal, professional, or related to your health goals.
Meditate to the Siddhi Vinayaka Ganesha mantra for around 15 minutes, and you'll see the difference in your health outcomes. If your desire is to be more energetic during physical activity, your mind will work towards this goal.
You can even incorporate this with affirmations, by playing the Ganesha mantra as you say the affirmations out aloud, like a chant.
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The Siddhi Vinayaka Ganesha is part of the Ancient Ganesha Mantras for Success album. This mantra album is part of a bundle called the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition.

The benefits of positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way of improving mental health, as well as physical health. Studies have shown that they can reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-confidence, and promote a healthy body image and overall mood.
They can also help to improve physical health by helping us stay motivated and focused on healthy habits such as exercise and nutrition.
Positive affirmations can also help us to stay focused on our goals, even when times get tough. By repeating these affirmations regularly, they will become ingrained in our subconscious minds and make it easier for us to remain positive even when facing difficult situations or setbacks.
It should also be noted that meditation is a great vehicle for using affirmations, and we have a basic description of meditation practice below.

What is meditation?

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote peace, calmness, and clarity of thought. It involves sitting or lying down in a quiet space and focusing on your breathing or a mantra for a set period of time.
Meditation can be used alongside affirmations as it helps us to focus on our thoughts and become aware of any negative thoughts or beliefs that may be holding us back from achieving our goals.
It also creates an opportunity for reflection and allows us to process any emotions or feelings that may arise during the practice.


Positive affirmations are an effective way of improving mental health as well as physical health, as they help us stay focused on our goals even when times get tough.
We encourage readers to find the affirmations that resonate with them and use them daily in order to create a more positive mindset and attract better outcomes in their lives.
Acknowledging the power of positive thinking is essential if we want to create a more successful future for ourselves, so let’s start believing in ourselves today!

How to use positive affirmations for health
Whenever you’re feeling down due to constant illness, use affirmations for health to bolster your mind.
These affirmations work only when you internalize these thoughts and start believing the words. This is what brings positive change into the healing process.
The power of the mind cannot be overstated in physical healing, as even traditional medicine pays attention to the mindset of the patient during treatment.

Frequently asked questions on affirmations for health

Can affirmations heal you physically?
Physical ailments are affected by your mental state, and if you’re feeling downbeat during these times, healing is slowed or ineffective. So positive affirmations accelerate healing by getting you in a positive frame of mind.
What are affirmations for health?
Health affirmations are positive statements meant to stop you from thinking self-sabotaging thoughts. It takes the mind out of a negative thought spiral.
Should affirmations be made daily?
It is best to make affirmations a daily practice. Once you make the link between a positive frame of mind and a clean slate of health, you can look forward to long-term optimum health.