Shri Krishna Ashtakam Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Krishna chant that rejuvenates your mind
Shri Krishna Ashtakam Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Shri Krishna AshtakamBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Shri Krishna Ashtakam Mantra is one of the most powerful chants that rejuvenates the mind and promotes positivity.
Through this mantra, we can raise our consciousness and awareness. It helps you to invite positivity in your mind and achieve your life goals.
The Shri Krishna Ashtakam is part of the Soulful Krishna Mantras - Volume 1 album.
Lyrics of the Mantra
Verse 1 :
|| Vasudeva Sutam Devam
Kamsa Chaanoora Mardhanam
Devaki Paramaanandam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 2 :
|| Atasee Pushpa Sankaasham
Haara Noopura Shobhitam
Rathna Kankana Keyooram
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 3 :
|| Kutilaalaka Samyuktam
Poorna Chandra Nibhaananam
Vilasat Kundala Dharam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 4 :
|| Mandaara Gandha Samyuktam
Chaaruhaasam Chaturbhujam
Barhipinchhaava Choodaangam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 5 :
|| Utphulla Padma Patraaksham
Neelajimuta Sannibham
Yaadavaanaam Shiroratnam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 6 :
|| Rukmini Keli Samyuktam
Peetambaram Sushobhitam
Avaapta Tulasi Gandham
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 7 :
|| Gopikaanaam Kuchaadvandva
Kunkumaankita Vakshasam
Shriniketham Maheshvaasam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 8 :
|| Shrivatsaankam Mahoraskam
Vanamaala Viraajitam
Shankha-Chakra-Dharam Devam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Verse 9 :
|| Krishnaashtakam Idam Punyam
Praata Ruththaaya Yaha Padeth
Koti Janma Krutam Paapam
Smaranena Vinashyati ||
Meaning of the Mantra
Verse 1 :
|| Vasudeva Sutam Devam
Kamsa Chaanoora Mardhanam
Devaki Paramaanandam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
To the son of Vasudeva,
who killed Kamsa and Chanura,
The greatest joy of Devaki,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 2 :
|| Atasee Pushpa Sankaasham
Haara Noopura Shobhitam
Rathna Kankana Keyooram
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
The one surrounded by hemp flowers,
adorned in gems and resplendent jewels,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 3 :
|| Kutilaalaka Samyuktam
Poorna Chandra Nibhaananam
Vilasat Kundala Dharam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
The one who has curly locks of hair,
Who resembles the beautiful full moon,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 4 :
|| Mandaara Gandha Samyuktam
Chaaruhaasam Chaturbhujam
Barhipinchhaava Choodaangam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
Who smells as sweet as the Mandhara flowers,
Who bears four hands and a divine smile,
and wears peacock feathers,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 5 :
|| Utphulla Padma Patraaksham
Neelajimuta Sannibham
Yaadavaanaam Shiroratnam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
Whose eyes resemble the petals of a blossomed lotus
Who is as vast as the great blue cloud,
and the greatest of the Yadavas,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 6 :
|| Rukmini Keli Samyuktam
Peetambaram Sushobhitam
Avaapta Tulasi Gandham
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
The beloved of Rukmini, shimmering in bright silks,
Who carries the sacred scent of basil,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 7 :
|| Gopikaanaam Kuchaadvandva
Kunkumaankita Vakshasam
Shriniketham Maheshvaasam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
Smeared in saffron, the haven of Goddess Lakshmi,
and home to all divine beings,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 8 :
|| Shrivatsaankam Mahoraskam
Vanamaala Viraajitam
Shankha-Chakra-Dharam Devam
Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ||
Meaning :
Who has Sri Vathsa on his chest,
Who is adorned with forest garland,
The one who holds the sacred conch and wheel,
I bow to that Lord Krishna, the Guru of the Universe.
Verse 9 :
|| Krishnaashtakam Idam Punyam
Praata Ruththaaya Yaha Padeth
Koti Janma Krutam Paapam
Smaranena Vinashyati ||
Meaning :
The one who recites this octet of Lord Krishna
with devotion, upon waking up in the morning,
All sins of his past will be washed away.
For a more thorough explanation of the mantra, look below:
Vasudeva Sutham Devam : O Lord, the son of VasudevaKamsa
Chanoora Mardhanam : who killed the Kamsa(Maternal uncle) and Chanura (Wrestler in the Kamsa’s court)
(form their wicked actions)
Devaki Paramanandam : Who is the immense joy of Devaki (Krishna’s Mother)
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : O Krishna I bow to you, the guru of the world
Athasee Pushpa Sangasam : The one who looks great with Aathasi flowers
Hara Noopura Shobitham : who shines resplendent with the jewels like neclace and anklets
Rathna Kankana Keyuram : Who wears a bracelet made with precious gems
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : I bow to you Lord Krishna, the teacher of the world
Kutilalaka Samyuktham : The one with the curly hair
Poorna Chandra Nibhananam : whose face looks like the full moon
Vilasath Kundala Dharam : Who is adorned with great looking earrings
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : I bow to you, Lord Krishna, the Guru of the world
Mandhara Gandha Samyuktham : The one who has fragrance of the pastes of Mandara flowers
Charuhasam Chathurbhujam : a gentle smile and four hands
Barhi Pinjava Choodangam : Wearing the peacock feather on his head
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : I bow to you O lord Krishna, the guru of the world
Uthfulla Padma Pathraksham : The one whose eyes look like bloomed lotus petals
Neela Jeemutha Sannibham : whose body resembles the dark blue clouds
Yadavaanaam Siro Rathnam : Who is the crest gem among the Yadavas
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : Lord Krishna, I bow to you, the guru of the world
Rukmani Keli Samyuktham : The Lord who is engaged in playing with Rukmini
Peethambara Shobitham : adorned and resplendent with peetambaras
Avaptha Thulasi Gandham : Who attracts to the scent of Tulasi
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : I bow to you, Lord Krishna, Guru of the World
Gopikaanaam Kucha Dwandwam : One who is embraced with the Gopikas
Kunkumankitha Vakshasam : whose body is smeared the vermilion
Sriniketham Maheshwasam : The Lord in whom the Lakshmi resides, the one who has a big bow
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : The Lord in whom the Lakshmi resides, the one who has a big bow
Sree Vathsam Mahoraskam : Having the marks of Sri Vatsa
Vanamala Virajitham : Who enjoys in himself, looking great with the garlands of flowers
Sanka Chakra Dharam Devam : O Lord Krishna, holding the conch and a discus
Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum : I bow to you, the Guru of the world
Krishnashtakamidham Punyam Prathar Uthaya Ya Padeth : The one who recites this Krishna ashtakam early in the mornings will get immense virtue
Koti Janma Krutham Papam,Smaranath Thasya Nasyathi : The sins done in his previous births will also be destroyed.
Variations of the Mantra
This mantra may also be called the Vasudeva Suta Krishna mantra. The mantra meaning of this chant shows little variation.
The Krishna Ashtakam is a specific composition, and its verses have a consistent structure and content.
While the core meaning of the verses remains constant, there may be variations in the choice of words, pronunciation, or transliteration based on different recitation traditions.
Alternate names for this hymn may include Krishnashtakam or Krishna Astottara Shatanama Stotram, emphasizing the enumeration of Lord Krishna's names.
Preview Shri Krishna Ashtakam

Benefits of the Mantra
The Shri Krishna Ashtakam mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this powerful Krishna mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Raises self-awareness
Practicing this mantra helps raise the sense of self-awareness
Benefit 2 - More positivity
This powerful chant allows the mind to consciously create more positive thoughts
Benefit 3 - More opportunities
The mantra helps you attract more opportunities for joy, love, and prosperity
History of the Mantra
Krishna is one of the most popular deities in Hinduism. He is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and brightens up the lives of everyone while uprooting evil.
Krishna is known for guiding the good and punishing the wicked. He is a prodigy with an immense intellect. He became an object of worship and admiration right from his birth in Mathura.
This octet mantra praises the supreme qualities of Lord Krishna. It is chanted to raise your consciousness and attune with the powers that reside within you.
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