12 Positive affirmations for relationship insecurity

If your relationship feels unsteady and lacking in trust, use the 12 positive affirmations for relationship insecurity.

Jul 2, 2024
Has your relationship felt strained recently?
Has communication felt difficult and tough to approach?
You might need help to rediscover optimism and joy using positive thoughts.
If you're in a relationship that feels lacking in affection and unstable, you will need positive thoughts to take you through.
With a positive mindset, you can start building the right mindset and improving your relationships.
In this blog post, we will discuss positive affirmations, how they interact with the Law of Attraction, and 12 positive affirmations for relationship insecurity.
We'll also look at what meditation is, and a step-by-step guide to affirmation meditation as a way of practicing these affirmations for relationships that feel lacking in affection and are unstable.

12 positive affirmations for relationship insecurity

Staying in an unstable relationship can be a difficult time. During these tough times, you start constantly second-guessing your decisions and their reactions.
You are no longer sure that your significant other is your ideal partner. Their positive aspects seem to matter less while their shortcomings take on new dimensions.
When this happens, you should start the daily practice of using positive affirmations for a happy relationship.
These are the 12 best affirmations for healthy relationships.
  1. I am grateful for the love and affection that I receive from my partner.
  1. I choose to fill my life with positive energy and loving thoughts.
  1. I am surrounded by love and supported by my partner.
  1. I am confident in my relationship and trust my partner completely.
  1. I trust myself to make decisions that are best for me and my relationship.
  1. I am open to receiving love from my partner.
  1. I am capable of creating a strong, loving relationship with my partner.
  1. I choose to have an open heart and mind when communicating with my partner.
  1. I am worthy of love and affection from my partner.
  1. I choose to focus on the positives in my relationship and create a loving environment.
  1. I attract loving relationships into my life by focusing on what I want rather than what I fear.
  1. My relationship is full of joy, peace, and understanding.
When doing your affirmations every day, it might be beneficial to listen to a positive meditation mantra.
The one we would recommend is the Radha Krishna mantra. This Krishna mantra gives off energy that encourages unconditional love.
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Every morning, put aside 5 minutes to repeat your favorite affirmation. During this practice, play the Radha Krishna mantra in the background.
You will start experiencing the loving vibes of this mantra, and start internalizing the affirmation better.
The Radha Krishna mantra was released as part of the Soulful Krishna Mantras album. This album is part of the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition bundle.

What are affirmations and the Law of Attraction?

Positive affirmations are positive statements that you make to yourself to help create a positive mindset and outlook on life.
Affirmations work in combination with the Law of Attraction, which states that whatever you focus on and believe will manifest in your life.
This means that if you focus on negative thoughts or feelings, this negative energy will be attracted to your life.
However, if you focus on positive thoughts and feelings, this positive energy will be attracted to your life instead.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as mindfulness or focusing their thoughts, to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
It is often used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions. By practicing meditation on a regular basis, you can begin to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and learn how to manage them better.
This can be especially beneficial in romantic relationships as it can help you become more mindful of how you treat your partner and how they treat you.

A step-by-step guide to affirmation meditation

It is possible to combine affirmations for insecurity with meditation. Meditation is all about looking inward.
By combining these two practices, you are able to see all the feelings of insecurity you're carrying around.
You can then use the affirmations to root out these insecurities and become a more rounded, confident person.
With this new mindset, you are able to approach your current relationship with more optimism.
  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths in and out of your nose.
  1. Begin repeating the affirmations to yourself slowly and deliberately, focusing on each word without getting caught up in the meaning behind them.
  1. As you continue repeating the affirmations, focus on the feeling of them rather than their literal meaning. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise when you say them aloud or in your head, such as peace, love, or joy.
  1. When your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to the affirmations and the feelings they evoke within you.
  1. When you’re finished, take a few moments to sit in silence before opening your eyes and continuing with your day.
You can enhance this practice by playing the Jala Gayatri mantra. This Gayatri mantra has the power to heal strained relationships.
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Play the Jala Gayatri mantra as you go through this practice, and you will experience its soothing vibrations and feel better about the future.
The Jala Gayatri mantra is part of the Ancient Gayatri Mantras for Healing and Meditation album. You can get this album as part of the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition bundle.


In this blog post, we discussed what positive affirmations are, how they interact with the Law of Attraction, 12 positive affirmations for relationship insecurity, what meditation is, and a step-by-step guide to affirmation meditation as a way of practicing these affirmations for relationships that feel lacking in affection and are unstable.
By using positive affirmations in combination with meditation, you can begin to create a positive mindset which can help improve your relationships by allowing you to focus on the positives in your relationship and build feelings of trust and stability within it.
Take some time each day to practice affirmation meditation with the 12 affirmations in this blog post and notice how it affects your relationships over time.

How to use affirmations for relationships
If you are insecure about your relationship, doubts creep into your mind all the time.
Whenever this happens, your emotions go out of balance and it makes the day miserable.
When these doubts start creeping in, restore positivity by repeating your favorite affirmation to yourself.

Frequently asked questions on the power of affirmations

Does positive thinking work?
Any endeavor is strengthened by your belief in it happening. Any good result you want is made more probable by you believing in it happening. This is simply the power of your mind at work.
How do affirmations help?
Affirmations are positive statements you make to yourself so that you can internalize a thought. It can be tough to believe you’ll be employed when the job search is taking too long. An affirmation helps tip the mind into a positive state during such times.
How often must I use affirmations?
Think of affirmations as a support system you set up for yourself. Whenever you feel your belief slipping or you start doubting the eventual result, repeat the affirmation to yourself. It is also a good idea to make a habit of repeating affirmations in the morning.