The Best crystal for healing sickness

Use the best crystal for healing sickness with meditation for a holistic healing routine that you can use every time you fall sick.

Jul 1, 2024
Are you affected by sickness often?
Are you looking for a natural way to heal your body and encourage its natural healing systems?
Look no further than the healing power of crystals.
Utilize the positive energy provided by natural crystals to activate your body's natural healing powers.
In this blog, we will explore the concept of crystal healing, how it works, and the 5 best crystals for healing sickness.

5 best crystals for healing sickness

Crystals may not have a direct healing influence on your physical body. But what is often forgotten is the healing energy your mind can offer during times of sickness.
Your physical health is very much dependent on your mental state at the time. A stressed mind means slow recovery. A happy mind, on the other hand, means faster recovery.
This is where powerful crystals play a part. Let us take a look at the 5 best natural stones for healing sickness.
  1. Aventurine Reduces stress & anxiety
  1. Garnet Boosts immune system
  1. Clear Quartz Promotes clarity of mind
  1. Bloodstone Promotes against negativity
  1. Selenite Great for emotional well-being
As a starting point, we would recommend that you start meditating with the soothing energies of a Garnet stone.
Source : Truly Experiences
Source : Truly Experiences
This deep red stone helps take people out of a low vibrational state and into a more positive mode.
Meditate by gripping this stone gently in the palm of your hand, to experience the benefits of this. We would also recommend playing the Dhanavantri mantra as you do so.
Video preview
This Vedic mantra is an excellent tool for promoting physical well-being and healing.

What are healing crystals?

Healing crystals are natural stones or crystals that are believed to have healing properties. These properties are said to come from the vibrations of the crystal, which can interact with the body's energy fields and promote healing.
There are many types of crystals, each with its own unique properties and benefits. Some crystals are believed to promote physical healing, while others are said to encourage emotional healing or spiritual growth.

How crystals heal the body & mind

The vibrations of crystals are believed to interact with the body's energy fields, promoting balance and harmony.
This can help to remove blockages, boost the immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall wellness.
Crystals can be used in many different ways for healing. Some people wear them as jewelry or carry them in their pockets, while others place them around their homes or use them in meditation.

Using crystals with meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and promoting overall wellness. When combined with crystals, meditation can be even more effective.
To use crystals with meditation, simply choose a crystal that resonates with you and hold it in your hand during your meditation practice. You can also place the crystal on your body or on a nearby surface.

Easy-to-follow crystal healing routine for sickness

To get the most out of your crystal healing practice, it's important to establish a routine.
This can help you to stay focused and committed to your practice, and ensure that you are getting the maximum benefit from your crystals.
A simple crystal healing routine for sickness might include:
  1. Choose a crystal that resonates with you and hold it in your hand for 5-10 minutes each day.
  1. Place the crystal on your body or on a nearby surface while you sleep.
  1. Carry the crystal with you throughout the day.
  1. Use the crystal in meditation or visualization exercises.
You can experience benefits like pain relief and the removal of bad energy through this simple daily practice.

Benefits of crystals for healing sickness

Now that we've covered the basics of crystal healing, let's take a closer look at the five best crystals for healing sickness.
  • Aventurine This green stone is said to promote physical healing and boost the immune system. It's also believed to promote emotional well-being and reduce stress and anxiety.
Source : Tiny Rituals
Source : Tiny Rituals
  • Garnet This deep red stone is believed to promote physical healing, boost the immune system, and increase energy levels. It's also said to encourage love and compassion.
  • Clear Quartz This clear stone is said to amplify the vibrations of other crystals, making it a powerful tool for healing. It's also believed to promote clarity of mind and emotional stability.
Source : the Psychic Tree
Source : the Psychic Tree
  • Bloodstone This dark green stone is said to promote physical healing, boost the immune system, and protect against negative energies. It's also believed to promote courage and self-confidence.
Source : Tiny Rituals
Source : Tiny Rituals
  • Selenite This white or clear stone is said to promote mental clarity and emotional well-being. It's also believed to protect against negative energies and promote spiritual growth.
Source : Gem-A
Source : Gem-A


Crystal healing is a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
By using the five best crystals for healing sickness - aventurine, garnet, clear quartz, bloodstone, and selenite - you can promote your body's natural healing systems and encourage overall wellness.
So why not give crystal healing a try today?

How to use crystals for healing illness
Illness has much to do with your mind. An unhealthy mind leads to slow healing and a long, drawn-out recovery.
Healing crystals are a great way to clean up mental impurities to make recovery faster.
Use these crystals with meditation for maximum benefit.

Frequently asked questions on healing crystals

What are the benefits of healing crystals?
These natural stones have their own energy field with distinct healing properties. The Black Tourmaline, for example, creates a protective field that absorbs negative energy in its vicinity.
How can healing crystals benefit people at home?
By placing a healing crystal in a space in the home where everyone spends time, they draw benefit from the energy of the crystal. A rose quartz gives off loving vibes, and people in your home will be able to experience it.
What other practices work well with healing crystals?
The energy healing from crystals is enhanced by practices such as chakra healing and meditation, as they too deal with energy regulation.