Quiet Reflection: Therapeutic Silence and Journaling

With hectic schedules, finding time for self-care can be tough. Here are simple, free ways to check in with your mental health through silence and journaling.

Oct 23, 2024
With hectic schedules, finding time for self-care can be tough. Here are simple, free ways to check in with your mental health through silence and journaling.
Find a comfortable, tranquil spot. Take a few centering breaths. Allow your mind to settle into the present moment. Sit in silence for 5-10 minutes, repeating the mantra "Om Shanti" internally.
When ready, open your journal. Reflect on these prompts:
  • What emotions am I experiencing right now?
  • What do I need most today? Why?
  • What would bring me more peace and calm?
  • What is weighing on my heart or mind?
  • What positive affirmations could I focus on?
  • How have I shown strength and resilience lately?
  • What are 3 things I appreciate about my life today?
Writing with honesty and self-compassion. Let these questions guide you inward. Pour out your feelings onto the page.
As Buddha taught, "Peace comes from within." Minutes of tranquil meditation, followed by journaling's cathartic release, re-center us in our inner wisdom. Make time to care for your spirit. You are worthy.
Wishing you clarity and comfort.

Here is a quick summary on using journaling for self-care:

What to do:
  • Find a tranquil space and sit in silence, repeating "Om Shanti"
  • Reflect on journal prompts to explore your emotions honestly
  • Write with self-compassion and pour feelings onto the page
What to hear:
  • Take a few centering breaths and settle into the present moment before listening to the Om Shanti mantra.
What to say:
"I make time for journaling and quiet meditation to reconnect with my inner wisdom."

Listen to the Om Shanti Mantra

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Download this mantra