Finding True, Lasting Happiness

The Gita reveals a profound truth - real happiness comes not from the external world, but from inner peace. When we master the mind, we conquer the greatest source of suffering - our own negative thoughts and emotions.

Jul 1, 2024
The Gita reveals a profound truth - real happiness comes not from the external world, but from inner peace. When we master the mind, we conquer the greatest source of suffering - our own negative thoughts and emotions.
It's easy to keep chasing the next promotion, relationship, or experience hoping for fulfillment. But real joy arises when we stop this external seeking and go within. The Har Har Mahadev mantra reconnects us with the divine presence that dwells in our own hearts. This Shiva Mantra reminds us of our inherent connection to the universe and the eternal source of happiness within. By chanting this mantra with devotion and sincerity, we gradually dissolve the barriers between our limited ego and the infinite consciousness that pervades all existence.
As you're chanting this mantra ask yourself the following questions as you delve deeper into your practice: Can you witness your thoughts without identifying with them? Can you accept and even embrace the full range of your emotions? Can you look within to uncover the wellspring of joy, rather than looking around for superficial highs?
Enduring happiness stems from cultivating the mind, as this Stoic quote highlights: "The quality of your thoughts determines the happiness of your life."
This takes dedication, but the rewards are immense. Imagine being able to maintain your inner peace, no matter what life throws at you. This unshakable equanimity is the mark of true freedom.
Wherever you are on your journey, know that a quiet mind and open heart hold the keys to happiness. Keep taking small steps each day. Fulfillment awaits you!
Stay centered and make peace with yourself. You deserve all the joy in the world.

Here is a quick summary on finding inner happiness:

  • What to do: Go within instead of seeking externally. Witness thoughts, and accept emotions. Uncover inner joy. Cultivate and master the mind.
  • What to hear: Chant Har Har Mahadev mantra to reconnect with divine presence and eternal happiness within.
  • What to say: "Real happiness stems from inner peace. I am dissolving barriers to the wellspring of joy within."

Listen to the mantra

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