Best guided meditation for sleep

We have come up with the best guided meditation for sleep, so that you feel refreshed every morning.

Oct 23, 2024
Have you found it hard to fall asleep at the designated hour?
Is every night a story of tossing and turning for hours before you find deep sleep?
You'd be best served using a guided meditation before bed, that relaxes your body and mind.
Deep sleep is an essential part of life, and getting quality rest can be a challenge for many. Research has shown that regular meditation can help to improve sleep quality and duration, so if you are looking for a way to get better rest, then you should consider trying guided meditation.
There are several ready-made solutions like meditation apps that specialize in meditation for anxiety and sleep. The biggest examples would be Headspace and Calm.
But you can also opt for a guided meditation that you have more control over, especially the pacing.
In this blog, we will tell you how to meditate to get solid rest and rejuvenating sleep through regular meditation. Follow the steps of the best guided meditation for sleep and you will not struggle to get restful sleep every night.

Best guided meditation for sleep step-by-step

We want to spell out the major points of a sleep meditation without putting any time constraints on it. We want you to take your time with it, as sleep is crucial and you should meditate at a natural pace.
  1. Prepare your environment
    Before beginning your meditation session, it is important to create an environment that is conducive to relaxation. Make sure that the space is quiet and free from distractions such as loud noises or bright lights.
    Dim the lights, draw the blinds and make sure there is no noise that alerts or agitates you.
  1. Pick the right meditation position
    You can either sit down next to the bed, on the bed, or lie down on it to start. We'd suggest you start out by sitting down next to the bed, and at a higher experience level, you can experiment.
  1. Set a goal for your meditation
    Setting a goal or intention before any meditation is a good idea, as it plants a seed of thought in your mind. A general direction for your mind to take, as it falls into a meditative state.
    For sleep, it would be something like, "I'm ready to rest and fall asleep" or "There are no more worries today".
  1. Start your meditation
    Now that the intention is set, take deep breaths till your breath rate slows down. Focus on your breath, as this stops you from deliberately focusing on anything.
    This allows the mind to slide imperceptibly into a meditative state. You will feel thoughts coming into your mind, but pay no attention and let them pass. Keep this going till you reach a silence of sorts, where it's just you and your deep breathing.
  1. End your meditation
    When it comes time to end your session, make sure to do so slowly and gently. Take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes if they were closed during your session.
    Make sure to take note of any thoughts or feelings you have experienced during the session before returning to the present moment.
Alternatively, during the meditation phase, you can have a mantra playing at a soft volume to enhance the relaxation you feel.
Depending on the mantra, the energy of the chant will enhance your meditation routine. Both, the words of the chant and the soothing voice will add to the relaxation and sense of security you feel.
We would recommend listening to the Vishnu Shantakaram mantra. This ancient chant invokes the energy of Lord Vishnu.
The vibrations from this powerful Vishnu chant take away all anxiety and worries from a restless mind. It ensures you have no nightmares or uneasy dreams during sleep.
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The Vishnu Shantakaram mantra is part of the Blissful Morning mantras album.

Different types of meditation styles

As mentioned before, there are different meditation techniques that can help with sleep. Each style has its own unique approach and focuses on different aspects of the practice. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular styles:
  • Mantra
    This style involves repeating a word or phrase over and over again in order to bring about relaxation or clarity of mind. The phrase can be an ancient Vedic mantra or a simple affirmation you're close to.
    The advantage Vedic mantra meditation has is that the power of the Sanskrit words and verses have their separate, powerful healing effect on your mind and body. This also allows you to listen rather than chant inwardly or loudly.
  • Mindfulness
    Mindfulness practices focus on bringing awareness to the present moment by paying attention to thoughts, sounds, sensations, and emotions without judging or getting attached to them.
  • Breath
    This style involves focusing on one’s breathing pattern in order to relax the body and mind. This is done using deep breathing exercises, sometimes intense, but always effective.
  • Visualization
    This type of meditation involves creating mental images or scenes in order to bring about relaxation or gain insight into an issue or situation.

How does meditation help you achieve sleep?

As many of us are already aware, a modern lifestyle plays havoc on one's sleep patterns and general health.
We find it impossible to shut our minds off, even when we want nothing more than to flop down on the bed and drift off.
This is because, our mind is in a constant state of motion, and natural stimuli that would normally signal sleep time are all but gone. So, it is left to each individual to come up with a solution to the sleep problem.
By far, the best solution is meditation. It is, by design, a process that slows and stops our thoughts by letting the mind go through each one. The trick is to observe thoughts without engaging.
So you may be worried about what you have to do first thing in the morning. but with meditation, you simply acknowledge that such a thought exists but do not follow this thought process till you hit the point of worry.
By addressing each such thought, you reach a point where the mind becomes silent, and all that is left to do is to fall asleep.

Benefits of a guided meditation

Guided meditations are especially beneficial as they provide structure and guidance throughout the practice, which can be especially helpful for beginners who are just starting out with their practice.
Additionally, guided meditations often feature calming music or sounds which can help set the mood for relaxation and provide additional support during the session.
Do try and experiment with various mantras during your meditation, as these offer various benefits like managing anxiety, reducing stress, reducing physical pain, and even chronic pain.
A mantra recommendation we have for sleep meditation is the Shadakshara Stotram. This is a soothing Shiva chant that erases all negative thoughts from your mind.
Playing this ancient mantra will negate any stress you carry into the meditation, and allows you to relax quickly. It has an effect similar to the best bedtime stories, due to the soft voice employed by the singer.
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The Shadkashara Stotram was released as part of the Ancient Powerful Shiva Mantras album. This album is part of the Ancient Chants from India - Gold Edition bundle.
If you’re new to meditation, below is a small introduction to meditation and the core pillars and primary benefits of this practice.

Introduction to meditation

Before we dive into the details of guided meditation for sleep, let's take a minute to define what meditation is. Meditation is a practice of focusing the mind on a single thought or activity, usually done in silence and with minimal movement. It is believed to have beneficial effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
There are many benefits of meditation for sleep, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving alertness during the day, and increasing mindfulness.
Furthermore, research has also demonstrated that regular meditation can improve the duration and quality of sleep. With that in mind, here are the steps that you should follow if you want to get the most out of your guided meditation for sleep.


In conclusion, guided meditation can be highly beneficial for those looking to get better sleep every night. It can help reduce stress and anxiety while also increasing mindfulness and alertness during the day.
Additionally, guided meditations often feature calming music or professional guidance which can help provide additional support throughout the practice.
Finally, we encourage readers to stick with a regular meditation practice in order to get the most out of their sessions and get better rest every night.

How to use guided meditation for sleep
This curated meditation routine is best used right before you go to bed. It provides a fixed ritual that you do before sleep, wherein you shut off all your thoughts about the day that has passed and the day that is to come.
After doing the meditation, you are completely relaxed and your mind is in a serene place, from which you can easily drift off to sleep.

Frequently asked questions on guided meditation for sleep

Does meditation help me sleep?
Meditation allows you to arrest all anxious thoughts, and relax the body simultaneously. It takes you from a state where you’re ‘On’ to one where you’re winding down. In this state, sleep comes very easily.
How long is the sleep meditation session?
Sleep meditation can last anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. This is the time it commonly takes a person to stop their mind running at a fast pace, and slowly relax using the power of slow breathing and deliberately observing their thoughts.
What is sleeping meditation?
This is a process by which you enter a trance-like state while lying down. So your body is completely relaxed and ‘asleep’ while you remain conscious.