Vishuddha Mantra for Throat Chakra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Chakra mantra that is known to make you more expressive
Vishuddha Mantra for Throat Chakra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Vishuddha Mantra for Throat ChakraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Vishuddha Mantra, or the 'Ham' mantra, is associated with the Vishuddha or Throat chakra. The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth of the seven chakras or energy centers residing in different locations of the human body.
The throat chakra is located in the throat. The Vishuddha chakra is considered to be the energy center that fuels your identity, your voice, and your truth.
Its name comes from its particular function of purifying toxicity that we 'breathe' in. This toxicity can be more than physical, like thoughts and ideas.'Vishuddha', in the Sanskrit language, means detoxed.
It is derived from two Sanskrit words, visha (poison) and shuddhi (purification). This chakra is associated with space or ether. It is considered to be the source of the purifying force that removes all toxicity that we accumulate over time.
If the throat chakra is out of harmony, it can hamper the growth of our mind, body, and soul. Moreover, an imbalance in the throat chakra can impact you physically with issues like anxiety, speech impediments, and thyroid-related issues.
The Ham sound activates the throat chakra. It is the seed syllable or bija mantra of the Vishuddha chakra. It cleanses all the pent-up toxicity in your body as well as your psyche.
This makes you the best version of yourself, both emotionally and physically. Chanting the Vishuddha mantra regularly cleanses your throat chakra and heals you of your past mistakes. It gives you, your body and mind, a clean slate to better yourself.
The Vishuddha mantra is part of the Ancient Chakra Healing Meditation Mantras.
Lyrics of the Mantra
|| Ham ||
Meaning of the Mantra
The Ham mantra is considered one of the universal sounds in tantric yoga. Bija mantras, or 'seed' mantras, unlike most mantras, do not include any mention of the deity.
Instead, the mantra focuses on the energy flow and uses power in the inherent vibrations of the sound 'Ham'. When the Vishuddha chakra functions without any obstacles, it brings the balance between your past, present, and future.
The vibrations from the Ham mantra are believed to cleanse and activate the Vishuddha chakra. The Ham sound when chanted out loud repeatedly inspires the best version of your true self.
For a more thorough explanation of the mantra, look below:
Visuddhachakra mantra refers to any mantra associated with visuddha, or the throat, chakra. Generally, it refers to ham, the bija, or seed, mantra connected with visuddha chakra. Chanting ham while focusing attention on the throat space is thought to be an effective way to activate and balance the throat chakra.
It can be done as a practice in itself or the mantra may also be chanted while practicing an asana that stimulates the throat chakra such as salamba sarvangasana, or supported shoulder stand.
Variations of the Mantra
This mantra is called the Ham mantra or the Throat Chakra mantra. This chant retains a uniform mantra meaning.
The mantra associated with the Vishuddha Chakra, which is Ham is generally recognized by its phonetic sound.
There aren't many alternative names for this specific mantra, as it is more closely tied to the vibrational quality of the sound "Ham" rather than having various traditional names.
Preview Vishuddha Mantra for Throat Chakra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Vishuddha Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this empowering chakra mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Frees expression
You are able to express yourself and communicate better
Benefit 2 - Boosts ambition
You will have the drive to chase and achieve your biggest goals
Benefit 3 - Brings clarity of mind
You are able to make better decisions with a clear mind
History of the Mantra
The sound Ham is one of the bija mantras or seed mantras. It is associated with the throat chakra. The Ham sound can be found in the Vedic scriptures between 1500 BCE and 500 BCE.
The vibrations from the Ham mantra are believed to cleanse and activate the Vishuddha chakra. The Ham mantra, just like other bija mantras, is chanted with the help of visualization.
Experts recommend chanting the Ham mantra and visualizing a lotus-shaped abstract object with purple-colored
light rotating like a chakra in the throat.
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