Surya Namaskar Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Sun mantra that is known to grant you impeccable physical health
Surya Namaskar Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Surya Namaskar MantraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Surya Namaskar Mantra is a salutation prayer to the Sun God, Surya. The mantra is recited or listened to by yoga practitioners worldwide.
The prayer is made of 12 chants. It is usually chanted in the morning facing the sun while practicing its 12 poses of Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation.
Adept yoga practitioners recommend reciting or listening to each verse of the mantra while performing the respective yoga postures.
This natural way of exercise benefits the mind and body immensely. Each chant can also be used to start a new repetition of the Surya Namaskara.
The beauty of this mantra is that each individual chant focuses on replenishing the energy of a specific part of the body.
Each mantra is associated with the 12 poses of a Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation:
1. Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)
3. Pada Hastasana (Hand to foot pose)
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian/Lunge pose)
5. Dandasana (Plank Pose)
6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight Limbs pose)
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
8. Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Dog Pose)
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian/Lunge pose)
10. Pada Hastasana (Hand to foot pose)
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)
12. Tadasasana(Mountain pose)
The Surya Namaskar mantra is part of the Ancient Chants from India - Volume 1 album.
Lyrics of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Om Mitraya Namaha
Om Ravaye Namaha
Om Suryaya Namaha
Om Bhaanave Namaha ||
Verse 2:
|| Om Khagaya Namaha
Om Pooshne Namaha
Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Om Marichaye Namaha ||
Verse 3:
|| Om Adityaaya Namaha
Om Savitre Namaha
Om Arkaaya Namaha
Om Bhaskaraya Namaha ||
Meaning of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Om Mitraya Namaha
Om Ravaye Namaha
Om Suryaya Namaha
Om Bhaanave Namaha ||
I bow to the One who is a friend to all,
I bow to the One who always shines radiantly.
I bow to the One who dispels ignorance,
I bow to the One who illuminates the entire Universe.
Verse 2:
|| Om Khagaya Namaha
Om Pooshne Namaha
Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Om Marichaye Namaha ||
I bow to the One who illuminates the entire Universe,
I bow to the One who is all-pervading.
I bow to the One who is golden-colored,
I bow to the One who gives light with infinite rays.
Verse 3:
|| Om Adityaaya Namaha
Om Savitre Namaha
Om Arkaaya Namaha
Om Bhaskaraya Namaha ||
I bow to the son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother,
I bow to the One who is responsible for life.
I bow to the One who is worthy of praise and glory,
I bow to the Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.
Variations of the Mantra
The Surya Namaskar mantra is also called the Ravaye Surya Mantra or the Adityaaya Surya Mantra.
The Surya Namaskar mantra is a set of salutations to the Sun, and its composition can vary. There isn't a single universally accepted 12-verse Surya Namaskar mantra.
Different traditions, schools, or individuals may use variations of mantras or prayers during the practice of Surya Namaskar. The significance of this shloka remains steady in its mantra meaning.
Preview Surya Namaskar Mantra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Surya Namaskar Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this energizing Sun mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Improves blood flow
Chanting the Om Mareechaya Namaha along with the Adho Mukha Shvanasana pose increases blood flow to the spine and strengthens muscles
Benefit 2 - Calms your mind
Chanting the Om Khagaya Namaha along with the Dandasana pose is beneficial for strengthening the upper body and calming the mind
Benefit 3 - Strengthens your core
Chanting the Om Adityaaya Namaha along with the Ashwa Sanchalanasana tones up the abdominal organs
History of the Mantra
There is a mythological story behind the practice of Surya Namaskara asanas and mantras: Hanuman’s mother, Anjana, wished that her son should get an education under Lord Surya (the Sun).
She asked Hanuman to request Surya to teach him.Hanuman approached Lord Surya and requested him to accept him as his student. But Surya refused to teach Hanuman.
However, after much persuasion, Surya agreed to teach Hanuman. To Surya’s amazement, the great Hanuman had mastered all the Vedas within a week!
At the end of the class, Hanuman asked as to what can be given back as a reward to his guru. Surya declined to accept a fee from Hanuman.
He said that having Hanuman as a student itself was a reward for him. Further, Hanuman said, well, I can only offer you my gratitude and namaskars (respectful greetings) as “Guru Dakshina” (teacher's fee).
Lord Hanuman bowed down in front of his guru.Lord Surya was much pleased with this and he blessed Hanuman. And since then, Hanuman started propagating the Surya Namaskar as an homage to his guru.
He practiced it daily.The Surya Namaskar is also considered to be the reason for Lord Hanuman's impeccable health. It made Lord Hanuman the epitome of strength.
This story is also believed to be the beginning of practicing Surya Namaskara. It is the foundation of asanas in hatha yoga.
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