Shivashtakam Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Shiva mantra that is known to help you combat your struggles
Shivashtakam Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Shivashtakam MantraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Shivashtakam mantra is a Shiva prayer for willpower, wisdom, and patience to overcome our worldly struggles. This chant consists of eight verses (known as Ashtakam) and is a humble call for the blessings of Shiva.
Composed by the spiritual guru Sri Adi Shankaracharya, this mantra describes the divine features of Shiva. By tuning in to the power and tolerance of Shiva, we seek to gain clarity through the chaos in our lives.
The Shivashtakam mantra is part of the Ancient Healing Chants of Shiva album.
Lyrics of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Tasmai Namah Parama
Kaaranna Kaarannaaya
Kaaranna Kaarannaaya
Diiptojjvala Jjvalita
Pinggala Lochanaaya
Pinggala Lochanaaya
Naagendra Haara Krta
Kunnddala Bhuussannaaya
Kunnddala Bhuussannaaya
Brahmendra Vishnu Varadaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 2:
|| Shreemat Prasanna Shashi
Pannaga Bhooshannaaya
Pannaga Bhooshannaaya
Shailendra Jaa Vadana
Chumbita Lochanaaya
Chumbita Lochanaaya
Kailaasha Mandaara
Mahendra Niketanaaya
Mahendra Niketanaaya
Lokatrayaarti Haranaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 3:
|| Padma Avadaata
Manikundala Go Vrushaaya
Manikundala Go Vrushaaya
Krushnaagaru Prachura
Chandana Charchitaaya
Chandana Charchitaaya
Vikachoutpala Mallikaaya
Vikachoutpala Mallikaaya
Neelaabja Kanttha Sadrushaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 4:
|| Lambatsa Pingala
Jataa Mukutotkataaya
Jataa Mukutotkataaya
Damshtra Karaala
Vikatothkatta Bhairavaaya
Vikatothkatta Bhairavaaya
Ambaradharaaya Manoharaaya
Ambaradharaaya Manoharaaya
Trailokya Naatha Namitaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 5:
|| Daksha Prajaapati
Mahaa Makha Naashanaaya
Mahaa Makha Naashanaaya
Kshipram Mahaatripura
Daanava Ghaatanaaya
Daanava Ghaatanaaya
Brahmo Urjitordhvaga
Karoti Nikruntanaaya
Karoti Nikruntanaaya
Yogaaya Yoga Namitaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 6:
|| Samsaara Srushti
Ghatanaa Parivartanaaya
Ghatanaa Parivartanaaya
Rakshaha Pishaacha Ganna
Siddha Samaakulaaya
Siddha Samaakulaaya
Siddhoraga Graha
Ganendra Nishevitaaya
Ganendra Nishevitaaya
Shaardoola Charmavasanaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 7:
|| Bhasmaanga Raaga
Krutaroopa Manoharaaya
Krutaroopa Manoharaaya
Saumyaavadaata Vanam
Aashritam Aashritaaya
Aashritam Aashritaaya
Gauree Kataaksha
Nayanaardha Nireekshanaaya
Nayanaardha Nireekshanaaya
Go Ksheera Dhaara Dhavalaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Verse 8:
|| Aaditya Soma
Varunaanila Sevitaaya
Varunaanila Sevitaaya
Yajnyaagnihotra Vara
Dhooma Niketanaaya
Dhooma Niketanaaya
Hruk Saamaveda Munibhih
Stuti Samyutaaya
Stuti Samyutaaya
Gopaaya Gopa Namitaaya
Namah Shivaaya ||
Namah Shivaaya ||
Concluding Verse:
|| Shivaashtakam Idam Punnyam
Yaha Patthechhiva Sannidhau
Yaha Patthechhiva Sannidhau
Shivalokam Avaapnoti
Shivena Saha Modate ||
Shivena Saha Modate ||
Meaning of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Tasmai Namah Parama Kaaranna Kaarannaaya
Diiptojjvala Jjvalita Pinggala Lochanaaya
Naagendra Haara Krta Kunnddala Bhuussannaaya
Brahmendra Vishnu Varadaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
I bow to him, the cause of all causes,
The resplendent light of whose deep brown eyes illuminate the Universe.
On whose body the royal serpent gracefully rests,
Who blesses the God of All Creation and All Sustenance, I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 2:
|| Shreemat Prasanna Shashi Pannaga Bhooshannaaya
Shailendra Jaa Vadana Chumbita Lochanaaya
Kailaasha Mandaara Mahendra Niketanaaya
Lokatrayaarti Haranaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, whose head is adorned by the crown of the gleaming moon,
Whose mesmerizing eyes purely reflect Parvati, the daughter of the mountains.
Who resides atop the mountain ranges of Kailash, Mandaar, and Mahendra,
Whose healing power defeats all worldly sorrow, I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 3:
|| Padma Avadaata Manikundala Go Vrushaaya
Krushnaagaru Prachura Chandana Charchitaaya
Bhasmaanushakta Vikachoutpala Mallikaaya
Neelaabja Kanttha Sadrushaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, who adorns the shimmering Padmaraga gem in his ears,
Whose body is smeared in divine and sweet-smelling sandalwood,
Paste, flowers, and sacred ash,
Whose blue throat resembles a lotus, I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 4:
|| Lambatsa Pingala Jataa Mukutotkataaya
Damshtra Karaala Vikatothkatta Bhairavaaya
Vyaaghraajina Ambaradharaaya Manoharaaya
Trailokya Naatha Namitaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, who has long locks of hair,
Who becomes the fierce Bhairava,
Who is wrapped in tiger skin and worshipped by all three worlds,
I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 5:
|| Daksha Prajaapati Mahaa Makha Naashanaaya
Kshipram Mahaatripura Daanava Ghaatanaaya
Brahmo Urjitordhvaga Karoti Nikruntanaaya
Yogaaya Yoga Namitaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, who disrupted the Yagya of Daksha Prajapati,
Who fiercely slew the Tripurasuras,
Who dared to chop off the ego-filled upper head of Brahma,
Who is revered and worshipped through yoga, I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 6:
|| Samsaara Srushti Ghatanaa Parivartanaaya
Rakshaha Pishaacha Ganna Siddha Samaakulaaya
Siddhoraga Graha Ganendra Nishevitaaya
Shaardoola Charmavasanaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, who destroys and recreates the entire Universe,
Who is protected by a shield of spirits,
Who is served by all sublime beings,
I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 7:
|| Bhasmaanga Raaga Krutaroopa Manoharaaya
Saumyaavadaata Vanam Aashritam Aashritaaya
Gauree Kataaksha Nayanaardha Nireekshanaaya
Go Ksheera Dhaara Dhavalaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, whose body is laden with sacred ash,
The Safe Haven for pure souls who meditate,
He, whom Gauri sees from the corner of her half-closed eyes,
Who glows as radiantly pure milk, I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Verse 8:
|| Aaditya Soma Varunaanila Sevitaaya
Yajnyaagnihotra Vara Dhooma Niketanaaya
Hruk Saamaveda Munibhih Stuti Samyutaaya
Gopaaya Gopa Namitaaya Namah Shivaaya ||
He, who is served by the bull, the Sun, the moon, and the gods of rain and fire,
Who dwells in places purified by smoke from sacrificial fires,
Whose praises written by sages fill the Vedas,
I surrender to that All-Powerful Shiva.
Concluding Verse:
|| Shivaashtakam Idam Punnyam Yaha Patthechhiva Sannidhau
Shivalokam Avaapnoti Shivena Saha Modate ||
He who shall chant this Shiva mantra with complete focus and surrender,
Would enter the world of Shiva and remain joyful in his guidance.
Variations of the Mantra
The Shivashtakam, a set of eight stanzas dedicated to Lord Shiva, is also known by other names based on its content and significance.
One of the common names is Rudrashtakam - this name is derived from the content that extensively praises the various aspects of Rudra, a form of Lord Shiva.
As for variations in lyrics, the core of the Shivashtakam or Rudrashtakam generally remains consistent across versions.
However, slight differences may exist due to variations in pronunciation, regional traditions, or individual preferences.
Preview Shivashtakam Mantra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Shivashtakam Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this powerful Shiva mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Brings abundance
As a result of its effect, chanting the Shivashtakam can bless the life of the chanter with abundant health and happiness, while also opening up the path to prosperity
Benefit 2 - Healing power
If practiced regularly and with undivided focus, the Shivashtakam can have lasting healing effects on the disciple’s temperament and mental strength
Benefit 3 - Better decisions
Through this chant, the intention to overcome suffering becomes stronger, and it becomes easier for the mind to make financial decisions with clarity and intuition
History of the Mantra
According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is the one who is All-Seeing, and the Destroyer of Evil. And yet, he is forever calm and unmoved, sitting in perpetual meditation.
His image and power are known to inspire and enlighten even the most troubled minds. Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the author of the Shivashtakam lyrics, came up with it in a state of complete Shiva consciousness.
The depth of Shiva's image described in the mantra makes it one of the most commonly practiced mantras of Shaivism.
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