Om Purnamadah Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this peace mantra that is known to bring infinite bliss to you
Om Purnamadah Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Om Purnamadah MantraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Om Purnamadah or Om Purnamidam Mantra is a universal chant for awakening consciousness and tuning into the infinite bliss accessible within oneself.
It is also one of the Shanti mantras (Peace Mantras). This soothing mantra is ideal for practicing any deep mindfulness or relaxation techniques, as it fosters a deeper sense of connectedness to the Universe.
Through this mantra, we seek to explore ourselves beyond our visible form and tap into the natural powers of our soul.
Om Purnamadah is part of the Blissful Morning Mantras album.
Lyrics of the Mantra
|| Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih ||
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih ||
Meaning of the Mantra
|| Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih ||
All is full and abundant, always
This, all that is within you, and That, all that is around you, is fullness
From that fullness, fullness is forever born again
Remove fullness from fullness and still, only fullness remains
Peace, Peace, Peace!
For a more thorough explanation of the mantra, look below:
Om Puurnnamadah Puurnnamidam : Om, That (Outer World) is Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness)
Puurnnaat Puurnnamudacyate : This (Inner World) is also Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); From Purna is manifested Purna (From the Fullness of Divine Consciousness the World is manifested)
Puurnnasya Puurnnamaadaaya : Taking Purna from Purna
Puurnnamevavashissyate : Purna indeed remains (Because Divine Consciousness is Non-Dual and Infinite)
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih : Om, Peace, Peace, Peace
Variations of the Mantra
The mantra you provided, known as the Purnamadha Purnamidam mantra, is a specific verse from the Isha Upanishad, and its content is unique.
Due to its invocation of peace, it can also be called the Shanti mantra. The mantra meaning of this chant remains unchanged.
While there may be variations in pronunciation and transliteration based on different recitation styles or regional traditions, the core content of this mantra remains consistent.
Preview Om Purnamadah Mantra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Om Purnamadah Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this peaceful mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Opens up your mind
It also opens up your mind, gives you perspective, and expands your consciousness
Benefit 2 - Gives sense of belonging
This mantra fosters a greater sense of belonging and appreciation for our body, mind, and spirit, and the world around us
Benefit 3 - Better visualization
It is a powerful tool for mind-tapping techniques like visualization, deep relaxation, and meditation
History of the Mantra
The roots of this mantra can be traced back to the Upanishads one of the earliest forms of Hindu spiritual scriptures. The mantra is an homage to the fully manifested, peaceful, and abundant cosmos.
The mantra has since been used for techniques in yoga and meditation to relieve the mind of stress and tune into the highest state of awareness.
This mantra is a celebration of the completeness of all that exists. The beauty of the mantra is that it acknowledges the Divine, without being dedicated to any divine form or deity in particular.
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