Om Namaste Asatu Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Shiva chant that is known to help remove obstacles from your life
Om Namaste Asatu Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Om Namaste Asatu MantraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Om Namaste Asatu mantra is an intense Shiva chant that instills an immense sense of peace and clarity in the mind.
Through this mantra, we learn to surrender our minds to our true reality and gain the power to face any obstacle.
Om Namaste Asatu is part of the Ancient Powerful Shiva Mantras album.
Lyrics of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Namaste Asatu Bhagavan
Vishveshvaraaya Mahaadevaaya
Trayambakaaya Tripurantakaaya ||
Verse 2:
|| Trikaalaagni-Kaalaaya
Nilakanthaaya Mrityunjayaaya
Sarveshvaraaya Sadaashivaaya ||
Verse 3:
|| Shriman Mahadevaaya Namah ||
Meaning of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Namaste Asatu Bhagavan
Vishveshvaraaya Mahaadevaaya
Trayambakaaya Tripurantakaaya ||
Salutations to you,
The Lord of the Universe, The Supreme Soul,
The Three-Eyed One, The Bestower of Enlightenment.
Verse 2:
|| Trikaalaagni-Kaalaaya
Nilakanthaaya Mrityunjayaaya
Sarveshvaraaya Sadaashivaaya ||
Fierce as fire, The Lord of the Past, Present, and Future,
The One Who Ends All, The One Who Restores Order Within The World,
The One With A Blue Neck, The Defeater Of Death,
The Lord of all Beings, The Eternal Consciousness.
Verse 3:
|| Shriman Mahadevaaya Namah ||
Oh Shiva, salutations to you.
For a more thorough explanation of the mantra, look below:
Om Namaste : I bow to you
Astu Bhagavan : The Supreme God
Vishweshwaraya : He who is the Lord of the Universe
Mahadevaya : Greatest among the Gods
Triyambakaya : Who has three eyes
Tripurantakaya : The destroyer of three cities of demons (Tripuras)
Trikalagnikaalaya: The one who is beyond and has the power to destroy the past, present, and future (Trikalas)
Kalagnirudraya : The Rudra who with his fire, ends the cosmos (to recreate)
Neelakanthaya : The one with blue throat
Mrityunjayaya : The conqueror of Death
Sarveshwaraya : He who is Lord of all the beings
Sadashivaya : Called with the name Lord Sada Shiva (The eternal one)
Sriman Mahadevaya : The God of the Gods, Greatest among all
Namaha : My salutations to you.
Variations of the Mantra
This mantra is commonly known by the name Namaste Asatu Mantra or the Tripurantakaaya Shiva mantra or simply Namaste Astu Bhagavan mantra.
While the core structure and meaning of the mantra remain consistent, slight variations in pronunciation, transliteration, or interpretation may exist. The mantra meaning of this shloka exhibits minimal variation.
Preview Om Namaste Asatu Mantra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Om Namaste Asatu Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this healing Shiva mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Detaches you from despair
Practicing this mantra can help the mind detach from feelings of despair and helplessness
Benefit 2 - Helps find inner purpose
This is a powerful chant that will deepen one's capacity to experience peace, and relief from obstacles
Benefit 3 - Helps sense of devotion
The mantra helps us gain confidence by developing a deep sense of devotion, confidence, and surrender
History of the Mantra
The Om Namaste Asatu mantra is a powerful chant invoking the ultimate consciousness, Shiva.
The mantra is an ode to the supreme powers of Lord Shiva that are beyond the materialistic realm.
This mantra is commonly practiced by disciples early in the morning.
It helps you attune to your reality and strengthens your capacity to take on daily challenges with ease.
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