Makar Rashi Beej Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Zodiac seed mantra that will unlock the potential of those belonging to the Capricorn moon sign
Makar Rashi Beej Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Makar Rashi Beej MantraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Makar Rashi Beej mantra is one of the twelve moon sign horoscope mantras. Each of the moon signs is ruled by a planet or a deity and is associated with a mantra.
Like all mantras, Rashi mantras or moon mantras have a powerful effect when chanted. But, Rashi mantras can be a singular solution to all problems for people who were born in that Rashi.
These mantras are the most fundamental mantras and can be used to heal any problems. That's why they are called Rashi Beej Mantras. Rashi means the moon, and Beej Mantras are the 'seed mantras' for the particular moon sign.
Beej mantras are sort of short forms of the important words in all mantras. They hold the crux of the vibrations that exist in the original keyword.
The Capricorn Beej Mantra is part of the Zodiac Mantras for Success album.
Lyrics of the Mantra
|| Om Aing Kleeng Hreeng Shreeng Sauh ||
Meaning of the Mantra
The four Beej mantras that constitute to become the Leo (Singh) Rashi Beej mantra are as follows.
Om: ॐ
Om is considered the most mystical sound of the universe. The ancient Indian scriptures, the Vedas, consider it to be the sound of the universe. The sound Om consists of three fundamental sounds: A, U, and M.
Om is considered a holy sound in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, it represents the Trimurti, a merger of Brahma: the creator, Vishnu: the sustainer, and Mahesh (Shiva): the destroyer.
The sound Om is also believed to encompass all of existence: what was, what is, and what will be. It evokes a sense of completion. Om also symbolizes the three Vedas: Rigveda, Samveda, and Yajurveda.
Ayeim/Aim/Aing: ऐं
The Ayeim Beej mantra is an embodiment of Devi Saraswati. Saraswati is known as the goddess of knowledge and wisdom. Practitioners chant the Ayeim mantra to excel in any field of interest.
This is because the mantra powers the knowledge and skill in that field. This beej mantra is made up of two sounds: Ayei, m.
The Ayei sound itself is a combination of Aa and Ee. The 'm' at the end considered to give the power of dispelling negativity and sorrow.
Kleem/Kleeng/Klim: क्लीं
The Kreem Beej mantra invokes Lord Krishna. Krishna is the dissipator of bliss (Ananda) and hence the Kleem sound is linked to Lord Krishna's magnetic quality.
While Kreem represents power, Kleem is more on the gentler side of the same aspect. Kleem is composed of three sounds.
Chanting Kleem helps us to reach our purest goals in our life. It is linked to deep spiritual devotion and will fill your heart with joy and love.
Hreem/Hreeng/Hrim: ह्रीं
The Hreem Beej mantra is a salutation for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari or Mahamaya. This beej mantra is very powerful as it attracts leadership qualities in the person who chants it.
This mantra is known to provide help in tough situations and invite good fortune. The Hreem mantra is composed of four root sounds. The Ha sound represents Shiva. The Ra sound represents Prakriti or nature.
Prakriti is also represented by Goddess Parvati in ancient scriptures. The 'ee' sound represents Mahamaya. The 'm' at the end is to invoke the power of dispelling sorrow.
Shreem/Shreeng/Shrim: श्रीं
The Shreem Beej mantra is a salutation to Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
It is recited for achieving success in business, for wealth or material gains, for the elimination of doubt and illnesses, and for protection from evil.
Shreem is composed of three sounds: Sha, Ra, eem. Sha represents Mahalakshmi, Ra means wealth, and ee represents Mahamaya or satisfaction. And the end sound of 'm' dispels all sorrow.
Sauh: सौः
The Sauh Beej mantra is also known as the hridayabeej (seed of the heart) and amrutbeej (seed of the elixir).
The Sauh mantra is composed of three sounds: Sa, Uu, and Ah.
According to Vedic texts, the Sauh Beej mantra becomes competent for initiation leading to liberation without any sacrificial rites. That is why many mantras end with this Beej mantra.
It is known for being the final liberation where nirvana and emancipation meet. The Sauh mantra, also known as Svaha, is also considered the cosmic pulsation of the supreme power.
In some context, it also invokes your true self translating to "I am".
Variations of the Mantra
This mantra is also called the Capricorn Zodiac Mantra. The mantra meaning of this chant exhibits minimal variation.
Variations in pronunciation or transliteration may exist based on regional traditions, linguistic differences, or individual preferences.
Here are examples of potential variations in the transliteration of the mantra:
- Om Aing Kleeng Hreeng Shreeng Sauh: This is the commonly accepted form.
- Om Aing Kling Hreeng Shreeng Sauh: Slight variation in the spelling of "Kleeng" to "Kling."
- Om Aing Kleem Hreem Shreem Sauh: Variation where "Kleeng" is replaced with "Kleem," "Hreeng" with "Hreem," and "Shreeng" with "Shreem."
These variations are relatively minor and involve differences in transliteration. The core sounds and vibrations of the mantra remain similar across these variations.
Preview Makar Rashi Beej Mantra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Makar Rashi Beej Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this transformative Zodiac mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Improves confidence
The mantra helps you find your inner confidence and sense of authority
Benefit 2 - Brings clarity on goals
You will find your true purpose and find the success you desire
Benefit 3 - Gains new expertise
You're able to learn productive new skills for your work
History of the Mantra
As we all know, there are 12 horoscope signs. Each of the moon signs is ruled by a lord that is a deification of the planet.
Practicing mantra meditation with the Rashi Beej mantra invokes the deity of the Rashi to empower you. For that, you need to know your moon sign. You can find that by consulting a horoscope reader.
Once you know your moon sign, you can start using the corresponding Rashi Beej mantra. You can then start practicing mantra meditation daily using the Rashi Beej mantra.
The Makar (Capricorn) Rashi Beej mantra is made up of 6 seed words: Om, Aing, Kleeng, Hreeng, Shreeng, and Sauh.
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