Kushmanda Devi Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Durga mantra that opens up your creativity
Kushmanda Devi Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Kushmanda Devi MantraNavratri, Nine Forms of Durga and Navadurga MantrasSignificance of NavratriKushmanda Devi: The Fourth FormThe Nine Forms of DurgaImportance of Navadurga MantrasBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Kushmanda Devi Mantra is a powerful mantra that references an aspect of Goddess Durga.
It is part of the Navadurga mantras, which celebrate 9 aspects of the primary goddess Durga or Adi Shakti.
These mantras are chanted during the 9-day festival - Navratri - a festival that celebrates the victory of righteousness over evil. This particular mantra is chanted on the fourth day of the festival.
This mantra encourages wellness of one’s mind and body, and adds joy to a family and their home.
The Kushmanda Devi mantra is our latest addition to our library of mantras that includes Lakshmi, Saraswati, Shiva, and Durga mantras.
Lyrics of the Mantra
|| Om Hreem Kooshmaandaayai Jagat Prasootye Namah ||
Meaning of the Mantra
|| Om Hreem Kooshmaandaayai Jagat Prasootye Namah ||
Meaning :
Bless me, oh Goddess Kushmanda, to bring love to everything and everyone I see around me. Through these sounds, I invoke your blessings.
For a more thorough explanation of this mantra, look below:
Om Hreem : Seed sounds that invoke divine feminine forces.
Kooshmaandaayai : Her name is derived from three parts: Ku (meaning little), Ushma (meaning warmth or energy), and Anda (meaning cosmic egg).
Together, it represents the goddess who created the universe with her radiant warmth and energy, manifesting as the cosmic egg.
Together, it represents the goddess who created the universe with her radiant warmth and energy, manifesting as the cosmic egg.
Jagat Prasootye : One who gives birth to the universe
Namah : A sacred sound that completes the mantra and offers the invocation to the divine.
Variations of the Mantra
This mantra is called the Kushmanda Beeja mantra or the Kushmanda Mantra.
The goddess is one of the Navadurgas, so the same mantra is also called the Durga Kushmanda Devi Mantra or the Navadurga Kushmanda Mantra.
Preview Kushmanda Devi Mantra

Navratri, Nine Forms of Durga and Navadurga Mantras
Navratri, a nine-night festival, celebrates the divine feminine power through nine aspects of Maa Durga. Each night is dedicated to a specific form of the goddess, with Kushmanda Devi honored on the first day.
Significance of Navratri
- Duration: 9 nights and 10 days
- Purpose: Celebration of righteousness triumphing over evil
- Practice: Daily worship of a different Durga form
Kushmanda Devi: The Fourth Form
- Day of Worship: Fourth day of Navratri
- Significance: Illuminates the universe with her light and energy
- Key Attributes: Health, vitality, and creativity
The Nine Forms of Durga
Each form of Durga embodies specific qualities that devotees seek to cultivate. Here's an overview of all nine forms:
Days | Durgas Form | Durgas Mantra |
Day 1 | Shailaputri Devi | |
Day 2 | Brahmachaarini Devi | |
Day 3 | Chandraghanta Devi | |
Day 4 | Kushmanda Devi | |
Day 5 | Skandamata Devi | |
Day 6 | Kaatyayani Devi | |
Day 7 | Kaalaratri Devi | |
Day 8 | Mahagauri Devi | |
Day 9 | Siddhidaatri Devi |
Importance of Navadurga Mantras
- Each mantra invokes specific qualities of Durga
- Daily chanting aligns devotees with the goddess's energy
- The Kushmanda Devi Mantra, in particular, helps in the following ways:
- Illuminates the mind and body, bringing vitality and creative energy
- Empowers devotees to take bold steps towards new beginnings and fresh endeavors
- Chanting this mantra boosts confidence, strength, and personal growth
By understanding Devi Kushmanda‘s place within the Navadurga, devotees can better appreciate the depth and significance of her mantra in the context of the entire Navratri celebration.
Benefits of the Mantra
The Kushmanda Devi Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this powerful Durga mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Sense of oneness
Rid feelings of isolation and come to terms with the world and all the beings in it
Benefit 2 - Unlocks creativity
Remove any creative blocks, and let your ideas flow with full intensity
Benefit 3 - Enhances compassion
Approach each interaction with kindness and an optimistic mindset
History of the Mantra
Kushmanda Devi is said to have created the universe with her radiant smile when there was nothing but darkness.
Before time and creation, she generated the cosmic egg, bringing life to all existence. It is believed that she resides at the core of the sun, radiating energy and light, sustaining the universe.
Her name comes from "Ku" (little), "Ushma" (warmth), and "Anda" (egg), symbolizing her creative power.
Kushmanda is known as the goddess of creation. Her glowing form symbolizes the warmth and energy of the sun.
She is depicted with eight arms holding sacred objects, including a bow, arrow, lotus, and a pot of nectar. Riding a lion, she radiates light and strength.
Kushmanda represents the birth of cosmic energy, providing vitality and warmth. She is revered for her strength, light, and ability to remove darkness, symbolizing creation and nurturing life.
Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of Navratri, representing the universal creation, balance, and the nurturing aspect of the goddess.
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