Shiva Tandava Stotram
Shiva Tandava Stotram

Shiva Tandava Stotram

Shiva Tandava Stotram Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download

Learn everything about this Shiva mantra that releases negative emotions
In the rhythmic verses of the Shiva Tandava Stotram, we find a powerful mantra that transcends the boundaries of time and space.
Composed by Ravana himself, this hymn dives deep into the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva, known as the Tandava.
The mantra holds a transformative essence, capable of liberating the mind from the shackles of negative emotions like guilt and pain.
The Shiva Tandava Stotram is the latest addition to our library of mantras that also includes Ganesha, Krishna, Buddha, and Devi mantras.

Lyrics of the Mantra

Verse 1:
|| Jataa tavee galajjala pravaaha paavitasthale Galeva lambyalambitaam bhujanga tunga maalikaam‌
Damad-damad-damaddama ninaada vaddamarvayam Chakaara chandataandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam‌ ||
Verse 2:
|| Jataakataa hasambhrama bhraman nilimpanirjharee Vilolaveechivallaree viraajamaana moordhani
Dhagad-dhagad-dhagajjvala llalaatapatta paavake Kishora chandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mamah ||
Verse 3:
|| Dharaadharendra nandinee vilaasa bandhubandhura Sphuraddiganta santati pramoda maanamaanase
Kripaakataaksha dhoranee niruddha durdharaapadi Kvachidvigambare manovinodametu vastuni ||
Verse 4:
|| Jataabhujanga pingala sphurat phanaamaniprabhaa Kadambakumkumadrava praliptadigva dhoomukhe
Madaandhasindhu rasphuratvaguttareeyamedure Manovinodadbhutam bibhurtabhoota bhartarii ||
Verse 5:
|| Sahasralochana prabhrityasheshalekha shekhara Prasoonadhooli dhoranee vidhoosaraam ghripeethabhooh
Bhujangaraajamaalayaa nibaddhajaatajootakah Shriyaichiraayajaayataam chakorabandhushekharah ||
Verse 6:
|| Lalaatachatvarajvala ddhananjayasphulimgabhaa Nipeetapancha saayakamnama nnilimpanaayakam‌
Sudhaamayookhalekhayaa viraajamaanashekharam Mahaakapaalisampade shirojataalamastunah ||
Verse 7:
|| Karaalabhaalapattikaa dhagad-dhagad-dhagajjvala Dhananjayaa dhareekritaprachanda panchasaayake
Dharaadharendranandinee kuchaagrachitrapatra Kaprakalpanaikashilpinee trilochaneratirmama ||
Verse 8:
|| Naveenameghamandalee niruddhadurdharasphura Tkuhunisheethaneetamah prabaddhabaddhakandharah
Nilimpanirjhareedharastanotu krittisindhurah Kalaanidhaanabandhurah shriyam jaganddhurandharah ||
Verse 9:
|| Praphullaneelapankaja prapanchakaalimaprabhaa Vidambi kanthakandha raaruchi prabandhakandharam‌
Smaracchidam puracchimda bhavacchidam makhacchidam Gajacchidaamdhakacchidam tamantakacchidam bhaje ||
Verse 10:
|| Akharvasarvamangalaam kalaakadambamanjaree Rasapravaaha maadhuree vijrimbhranaa madhuvratam‌
Smaraantakam puraantakam bhaavantakam makhaantakam Gajaantakaandhakaantakam tamantakaantakam bhaje ||
Verse 11:
|| Jayatvadabhravibhrama bhramadbhujangamasphuraddha Gaddhagadvinirgamatkaraala bhaala havyavaat
Dhimid-dhimid-dhi midhvananmridanga tungamangala Dhvani kramapravartitah prachanda taandavah shivah ||
Verse 12:
|| Drishadvichitratalpayor bhujangamauktikamasra Jorgarishtharatnaloshthayoh suhridvipakshapakshayoh
Trinaaravindachakshushoh prajaamaheemahendrayoh Samam pravartayanmanah kadaa sadaashivam bhaje ||
Verse 13:
|| Kadaa nilimpanirjharee nikunjakotare vasan‌ Vimuktadurmatih sadaa shirahsthamanjalim vahan‌
Vimuktalolalochano lalaamabhaalalagnakah Shiveti mamtramuccharan‌ kadaa sukhee bhavaamyaham‌ ||
Verse 14:
|| Imam hi nityameva muktamuktamottama stavam pathansmaran‌ Bruvannaro vishuddhameti santatam‌
Hare gurau subhaktimaashu yaati naanyathaagatim Vimohanam hi dehinaam sushankarasya chintanam ||

Meaning of the Mantra

Verse 1:
|| Jataa tavee galajjala pravaaha paavitasthale Galeva lambyalambitaam bhujanga tunga maalikaam‌
Damad-damad-damaddama ninaada vaddamarvayam Chakaara chandataandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam‌ ||
With holy water that flows down from his hair,
And a snake coiled around his neck like a garland,
And the damaru drum that creates the dama-dama-dama-dama sound,
Lord Shiva performs the divine Tandava.
May he bless us!
Verse 2:
|| Jataakataa hasambhrama bhraman nilimpanirjharee Vilolaveechivallaree viraajamaana moordhani
Dhagad-dhagad-dhagajjvala llalaatapatta paavake Kishora chandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mamah ||
I am deeply devoted to Shiva
Who bears the vast and high waves of the sacred Ganga river that runs deep through his dreadlocks
On whose forehead an all-consuming fire burns,
On whose head the crescent moon rests like a jewel.
Verse 3:
|| Dharaadharendra nandinee vilaasa bandhubandhura Sphuraddiganta santati pramoda maanamaanase
Kripaakataaksha dhoranee niruddha durdharaapadi Kvachidvigambare manovinodametu vastuni ||
May my mind revel in the joy of Lord Shiva,
In whose mind all the living beings of the glorious universe exist,
The companion of Goddess Parvati,
Who protects and conserves with his all-seeing eyes,
Who wears the drapes of the sky.
Verse 4:
|| Jataabhujanga pingala sphurat phanaamaniprabhaa Kadambakumkumadrava praliptadigva dhoomukhe
Madaandhasindhu rasphuratvaguttareeyamedure Manovinodadbhutam bibhurtabhoota bhartarii ||
May I find peace in Lord Shiva, the protector of all life,
Who wears the snake that adorns a dazzling gem,
Whose being radiates infinite colors of divinity in every direction.
Verse 5:
|| Sahasralochana prabhrityasheshalekha shekhara Prasoonadhooli dhoranee vidhoosaraam ghripeethabhooh
Bhujangaraajamaalayaa nibaddhajaatajootakah Shriyaichiraayajaayataam chakorabandhushekharah ||
We pray for prosperity from Shiva,
Whose crown is the moon,
Whose hair is tied up by a garland-like red snake,
Whose feet become the home of dried and crumbled flowers
That fall from the heads of the Gods.
Verse 6:
|| Lalaatachatvarajvala ddhananjayasphulimgabhaa Nipeetapancha saayakamnama nnilimpanaayakam‌
Sudhaamayookhalekhayaa viraajamaanashekharam Mahaakapaalisampade shirojataalamastunah ||
We pray for blessings from the tangles of Shiva's hair,
The God who consumed with the fire on his forehead,
Worshipped by all the heavenly leaders,
Adorned with the crescent moon.
Verse 7:
|| Karaalabhaalapattikaa dhagad-dhagad-dhagajjvala Dhananjayaa dhareekritaprachanda panchasaayake
Dharaadharendranandinee kuchaagrachitrapatra Kaprakalpanaikashilpinee trilochaneratirmama ||
My devotion is to the Three-Eyed Shiva,
On whose forehead cosmic rhythms reverberate,
The One who knows Goddess Parvati
Down to the finest line on her body.
Verse 8:
|| Naveenameghamandalee niruddhadurdharasphura Tkuhunisheethaneetamah prabaddhabaddhakandharah
Nilimpanirjhareedharastanotu krittisindhurah Kalaanidhaanabandhurah shriyam jaganddhurandharah ||
May we be blessed by Lord Shiva,
The Master of the Universe,
Who carries the moon, the sacred river Ganga,
And whose neck is as beautiful as the dark sky on a new moon night.
Verse 9:
|| Praphullaneelapankaja prapanchakaalimaprabhaa Vidambi kanthakandha raaruchi prabandhakandharam‌
Smaracchidam puracchimda bhavacchidam makhacchidam Gajacchidaamdhakacchidam tamantakacchidam bhaje ||
And also as vibrant and bright as places of worship, adorned with bright blue lotuses in full bloom.
The ender of Manmatha, the destroyer the Tripura,
The ender of this physical worldly life, The destroyer of demons and evil,
The one who was unmoved by the God of Death.
Verse 10:
|| Akharvasarvamangalaam kalaakadambamanjaree Rasapravaaha maadhuree vijrimbhranaa madhuvratam‌
Smaraantakam puraantakam bhaavantakam makhaantakam Gajaantakaandhakaantakam tamantakaantakam bhaje ||
I pray for the kindness of Lord Shiva,
The one who is swarmed by bees as they sense the sweet-smelling Kadamba flowers around him.
Yes, the very ender of Manmatha, the destroyer the Tripura,
The ender of this physical worldly life, The destroyer of demons and evil,
The one who was unmoved by the God of Death.
Verse 11:
|| Jayatvadabhravibhrama bhramadbhujangamasphuraddha Gaddhagadvinirgamatkaraala bhaala havyavaat
Dhimid-dhimid-dhi midhvananmridanga tungamangala Dhvani kramapravartitah prachanda taandavah shivah ||
I bow to Lord Shiva, whose dance of destruction is set to the roar of the drums,
Whose fire spreads from the forehead,
and whirls and swells in every direction and the sky.
Verse 12:
|| Drishadvichitratalpayor bhujangamauktikamasra Jorgarishtharatnaloshthayoh suhridvipakshapakshayoh
Trinaaravindachakshushoh prajaamaheemahendrayoh Samam pravartayanmanah kadaa sadaashivam bhaje ||
Meaning: I desire to fall at the feet of Lord Shiva, the eternal God,
Who tenderly and ferociously loves without discrimination
The simple blade of grass and the lotus,
The rare gem and the clump of mud, the friend and the enemy
The snake and the garland
And every other presence in the universe.
Verse 13:
|| Kadaa nilimpanirjharee nikunjakotare vasan‌ Vimuktadurmatih sadaa shirahsthamanjalim vahan‌
Vimuktalolalochano lalaamabhaalalagnakah Shiveti mamtramuccharan‌ kadaa sukhee bhavaamyaham‌ ||
My heart desires to live in joy and harmony in a cave by the sacred Ganga
My palms joined and raised in meditation,
My heart cleansed and filled with Shiva,
My mind consumed only by the God with three divine eyes?
Verse 14:
|| Imam hi nityameva muktamuktamottama stavam pathansmaran‌ Bruvannaro vishuddhameti santatam‌
Hare gurau subhaktimaashu yaati naanyathaagatim Vimohanam hi dehinaam sushankarasya chintanam ||
The one who practices this mantra of Lord Shiva
May be freed of all impurities of the mind and find refuge in Lord Shiva.
May the simple sincere thought of Shiva
be the end of all delusion, pain and suffering.

Variations of the Mantra

The Shiva Tandav Stotram can also be called the Tandava Shiva mantra.
Due to the use of the sounds of Shiva’s damru, it can also be called the Dama Dama Mantra.
There are no major variations of the Shiva Tandava Stotram, as the lyrics stays the same essentially.
It is a well-known prayer that pays homage to the magnificence of Lord Shiva, so all variations would be regional and the meaning would remain consistent.

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Benefits of the Mantra

The Shiva Tandava Stotram holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this energizing Shiva mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Improves focus
By meditating on this mantra, you can focus even during trying times
Benefit 2 - Removes fear
With regular meditation, this mantra helps remove deep-rooted fears and makes you feel safe
Benefit 3 - Removes negative emotions
The vibrations from this mantra help surrender shame, guilt, and pain to experience relief

History of the Mantra

The Shiva Tandava Stotram is a hymn said to be composed by the great sage and devotee of Lord Shiva, Ravana.
Ravana, the antagonist in the epic Ramayana, was a highly learned scholar and a devout follower of Shiva. The stotram is a poetic expression of Ravana's deep reverence and devotion to Lord Shiva.
The Tandava is a divine dance performed by Lord Shiva, symbolizing the cosmic cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction.
The dance is both graceful and powerful, reflecting the dynamic nature of the universe. According to Hindu mythology, Shiva's Tandava is a source of immense energy that sustains the cosmos.
The stotram beautifully captures the essence of Shiva's cosmic dance, describing the various aspects of his divine form.
The Shiva Tandava highlights the rhythmic and dynamic movements of Lord Shiva, depicting the cosmic play that unfolds under his divine influence.
The Shiva Tandava Stotram is not only a hymn of praise but also a profound philosophical and mystical expression, delving into the deeper meanings of Shiva's dance and its cosmic implications.
It stands as a testament to the multifaceted nature of Lord Shiva and his role in the eternal dance of existence.