Shaanti Paath Mantra
Shaanti Paath Mantra

Shaanti Paath Mantra

Shaanti Paath Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download

Learn everything about this Universal mantra that will bring joy & prosperity
The Shaanti Paath mantra is a powerful Vedic chant that is commonly recited to invoke peace, harmony, and well-being.
It is a universal prayer that seeks blessings and tranquility for oneself and the world.
The mantra carries a profound energy that can bring inner calmness and create a peaceful atmosphere around us.
The Shaanti Paath Mantra is the latest addition to our library of mantras which also includes Ganesha, Devi, Shiva, and Buddha mantras.

Lyrics of the Mantra

Verse 1:
|| Om Dyau Shanti
Rantariksha Gwam Shanti
Prithvi Shanti
Rapah Shanti ||
Verse 2:
|| Roshadhayah Shanti
Vanas Patayah
Shanti Vishwed Devah Shanti
Brahma Sarvag Wam ||
Verse 3:
|| Shanti Shanti
Reva Shanti Sa Ma Shanti Redhi
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ||

Meaning of the Mantra

Verse 1:
|| Om Dyau Shanti
Rantariksha Gwam Shanti
Prithvi Shanti
Rapah Shanti ||
Meaning :
Unto the Heaven be Peace,
Unto the sky and the Earth be Peace.
Verse 2:
|| Roshadhayah Shanti
Vanas Patayah
Shanti Vishwed Devah Shanti
Brahma Sarvag Wam ||
Meaning :
Peace be unto the Water, unto the Herbs and Trees be Peace,
Unto all the Gods be Peace, unto Brahma, unto all be Peace.
Verse 3:
|| Shanti Shanti
Reva Shanti Sa Ma Shanti Redhi
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ||
Meaning :
And may we find that Peace,
Om Peace Peace Peace.
For a more thorough explanation of the mantra, look below:
Om Dyauh Shaantir : Om, May there be Peace in Heaven
Antarikssam Shaantih : May there be Peace in the Sky
Prthivii Shaantir : May there be Peace on Earth
Aapah Shaantir : May there be Peace in the Water
Ossadhayah Shaantih : May there be Peace in the Plants
Vanaspatayah Shaantir : May there be Peace in the Trees
Vishve-Devaah Shaantir : May there be Peace in the Gods in the various Worlds
Brahma Shaantih : May there be Peace in Brahman
Sarvam Shaantih : May there be Peace in All
Shaantireva Shaantih : May there be Peace Indeed within Peace
Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi : Giving Me the Peace which Grows within Me
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih : Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.

Variations of the Mantra

The Shaanti Paath mantra is also known by other names such as the Peace Invocation mantra, Shaanti Mantra, or Universal Peace Prayer.
The Shaanti Paath mantra can also be interpreted in different ways based on individual or cultural understanding.
While the core intention and mantra meaning remains the same, interpretations may emphasize specific aspects of peace, such as inner peace, peace in relationships, or peace as a state of balance and harmony.

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Benefits of the Mantra

The Shaanti Paath Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this calming Peace mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Brings joy
This chant helps spread feelings of joy and positive vibes
Benefit 2 - Gives peace of mind
By meditating on this mantra, any restlessness and feelings of anxiety will go away
Benefit 3 - Sense of community
You will enjoy a connection with the people around you which leads to a stronger community

History of the Mantra

The Shaanti Paath mantra has its roots in ancient Vedic traditions of India. It is a timeless prayer for peace and is found in sacred texts like the Upanishads and the Vedas. These ancient scriptures are believed to be the oldest spiritual texts in the world.
The mantra has been used for centuries as a powerful tool for invoking peace, harmony, and tranquility.
It has been traditionally chanted during rituals, ceremonies, and meditation practices to create an atmosphere of calm and serenity.
The Shaanti Paath mantra is widely used across various spiritual and religious traditions in India, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It is often recited at the beginning or end of religious gatherings, spiritual discourses, or yoga and meditation sessions.
The mantra's profound words and soothing vibrations help individuals connect with their inner peace and promote a sense of unity, both within themselves and with the world around them.