Sri Ganapati Gajanana Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, Download
Learn everything about this Ganesha mantra that is known to remove obstacles in the morning
Sri Ganapati Gajanana Mantra Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, DownloadLyrics of the MantraMeaning of the MantraVariations of the MantraPreview Sri Ganapati Gajanana MantraBenefits of the MantraHistory of the Mantra
The Sri Ganapati Gajanana mantra is a beautiful chant dedicated to the remover of obstacles, Lord Ganesha.
Chanting this mantra every day in the morning will make you feel his divinity. It'll empower you with peace, happiness, and prosperity.
The Sri Ganapati Gajanana Mantra is the latest addition to our library of mantras which also includes Rama, Devi, Buddha, and Shiva mantras.
Lyrics of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Sri Ganapathi Gajanana Vighn Harana Sukha Karana
Mangal Dayak Prabhu Ek Dant Dayavant ||
Verse 2:
|| Chaar Bhuja Dhaari Ridhi Sidhi Swamy
Vimalamatidayak Prabhu ||
Meaning of the Mantra
Verse 1:
|| Sri Ganapathi Gajanana Vighn Harana Sukha Karana
Mangal Dayak Prabhu Ek Dant Dayavant ||
Meaning :
O Ganesha, the elephant-faced lord who defeats obstacles and causes joy
Giver of prosperity, the one with a single tusk
Verse 2:
|| Chaar Bhuja Dhaari Ridhi Sidhi Swamy
Vimalamatidayak Prabhu ||
The one with four arms, the lord of spirituality and prosperity
The god who grants purity
For a more thorough explanation of the mantra, look below:
Sri : An honorific title used to show respect
Ganapathi : Another name for Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity who is widely revered as the remover of obstacles
Gajānana : Refers to Lord Ganesha as the one with the face of an elephant
Vighna Harana : The remover of obstacles
Sukha Karana : The bringer of happiness
Mangal Dayak : The bestower of auspiciousness
Prabhu : Lord
Ek Dant : The one with a single tusk
Dayavant : Compassionate
Chaar Bhuja Dhaari : The one with four arms
Ridhi Sidhi : Prosperity and success
Swamy : Lord
Vimala Mati Dayak : The giver of pure int
Variations of the Mantra
The mantra here is also called the Vighn Harana mantra or the Gajanana Shri Gajanana mantra. The mantra meaning of this shloka shows little variation.
The verses you provided appear to be a specific formulation dedicated to Lord Ganesha, and while variations in pronunciation may exist, the core elements of the verses generally remain consistent.
While the verses here are complete, in some versions, alternative endings or expressions of dedication may be used, such as "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti" (peace, peace, peace).
Preview Sri Ganapati Gajanana Mantra

Benefits of the Mantra
The Sri Ganapati Gajanana Mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this soothing Ganesha mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 - Removes obstacles
Like any Ganesha mantra, this chant removes obstacles from your personal and professional life
Benefit 2 - Grants prosperity
With obstacles removed, you are free to seek and find prosperity in your life
Benefit 3 - Success in arts & sciences
Ganesha's position as the lord of arts & sciences means invoking his spirit gives you success in these fields
History of the Mantra
The mantra is an homage to Lord Ganesha. According to the ancient Shiva Purana, Lord Ganesh is the embodiment of Buddhi, Siddhi, and Riddhi - wisdom, spirituality, and prosperity.
In the same texts, Siddhi and Riddhi are personified as goddesses and are the consorts of Ganesha. This is alluded to in this mantra.
A chant invoking Ganesha is therefore about inspiring these qualities within us so that obstacles that seemed gigantic seem manageable.
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